We define EECP as one of the mechanical process that systematically restores areas of the body that gets deteriorated over time with age. In this method oxygen rich blood flow is done to all organs of body which automatically improves overall health of the person. This therapy is very beneficial for heart, liver and most other important parts of body because it provides nourishment to all these organs. Like other treatments EECP treatment does require any kind of commitment from patient. One can adjust the time as per their schedule and enjoy the benefits provided by it. The only thing patients need to consider is that once the course is completed he/she require to perform regular exercise to maximize the benefits of the treatment. Doing this will not only limit the longevity of the treatment but will also keep you healthy fit and fine.
Benefits of EECP therapy:
Benefits of EECP therapy:
- Increase exercise tolerance in the body
- Improves the functioning of brain
- Reduces fatigue symptoms
- Improves circulation in the legs
- Strengthening of heart muscles.
- Improves the blood flow of the body
- Reduces risk of heart diseases.
- Reduction on the heart blood flow.
- Improves oxygen consumption in the body
- Improves functioning of ventricular
- Improves growth factors